Рекомендоване цитування:
Bublyk L. Analysis of the main performance indicators of the management of tourist and educational services in Ukraine in the context of war. Monograph. – Primedia eLaunch, Boston, USA, 2024. – 101 p.
The prospect expanding the sphere influence of artificial intelligence in the field of education: the introduction of new disciplines in economic educational programs |
5 |
1. Theoretical explanation of the need to use machine intelligence in the educational process | 6 |
2. List and rationale for creating a program of new educational programs | 13 |
3. Steps of introducing changes in the educational process according to J. Kotter in order to study the specifics of working with machine intelligence |
21 |
4. Future perspectives of studying the features of working with artificial intelligence by economics students | 26 |
References | 34 |
Analysis of the economic efficiency and social effect of opening a chain of restaurants on the territory of shelters in the front-line zone |
36 |
1. Theoretical substantiation of the need to open a network of fine restaurant cuisine establishments in the conditions of martial law | 37 |
2. Illustration of a high-class restaurant kitchen in a shelter in the front-line zone during the war | 45 |
3. The mechanism of state regulation of the market of restaurant and hotel services in the front-line territories | 51 |
References | 60 |
Factors of formation of the market of tourist services of Ukraine and Israel in the conditions of war |
63 |
1. Israel is a tourist phenomenon | 64 |
References | 74 |
2. Organizational and economic mechanism of sustainable development of the tourism business of Ukraine and Israel during the active phase of the war |
76 |
References | 86 |
3. Factors forming the attractiveness of tourist regions of the world | 88 |
References | 101 |