X International Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern problems in science», March 15-18, 2022, Vancouver, Canada 06.12.202310.02.2022 by ISG
IX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Advancing in research, practice and education», March 08-11, 2022, Florence, Italy 06.12.202210.02.2022 by ISG
VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific bases of modern investigations», March 01-04, 2022, Helsinki, Finland 06.12.202210.02.2022 by ISG
VII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innovative trends in science, practice and education», February 22-25, 2022, Munich, Germany 06.12.202210.02.2022 by ISG
VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “INNOVATIONS TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE”, February 15-18, 2022, Haifa, Israel 17.02.202212.12.2021 by ISG
V International Scientific and Practical Conference “TRENDS OF MODERN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE”, February 8-11, 2022, Ankara, Turkey 13.02.202212.12.2021 by ISG
IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “SCIENCE, PRACTICE AND THEORY”, February 1-4, 2022, Tokyo, Japan 31.01.202212.12.2021 by ISG
III International scientific-practical conference “SOCIETY AND SCIENCE. PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS”, January 25-28, 2022, London, England 06.12.202212.12.2021 by ISG
II International Scientific and Practical Conference “MODERN TRENDS OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT”, January 18-21, 2022, Vancouver, Canada 06.12.202212.12.2021 by ISG
I International Scientific and Practical Conference “THE LATEST PROBLEMS OF MODERN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE”, January 11-14, 2022, Boston, USA 06.12.202212.12.2021 by ISG