XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRACTICE AND SCIENCE” December 28-31, 2021, Oslo, Norway 06.12.202221.12.2021 by ISG
XIV International scientific-practical conference «THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS IN PRACTICE AND SCIENCE», December 21-24, 2021, Bilbao, Spain 22.12.202111.11.2021 by ISG
XIII International scientific-practical conference «PERSPECTIVES OF DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND PRACTICE», December 14-17, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic 29.12.202111.11.2021 by ISG
XII International scientific-practical conference «TOPICAL TENDENCIES OF SCIENCE AND PRACTICE», December 07-10, 2021, Edmonton, Canada 07.12.202111.11.2021 by ISG
XI International scientific-practical conference «MODERN ASPECTS OF SCIENCE AND PRACTICE», November 30-December 03, 2021, Melbourne, Australia 01.12.202111.11.2021 by ISG
X International scientific-practical conference “SCIENCE FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE”, November 23-26, 2021, Athens, Greece 22.11.202107.10.2021 by ISG
IX International scientific-practical conference “TRENDS OF DEVELOPMENT MODERN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE”, November 16-19, 2021, Stockholm, Sweden 24.11.202107.10.2021 by ISG
VIII International scientific-practical conference “SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, ACTUAL PROBLEMS, INNOVATIONS”, November 09-12, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands 25.11.202107.10.2021 by ISG
VII International scientific-practical conference “MODERN TRENDS IN DEVELOPMENT SCIENCE AND PRACTICE”, November 02-05, 2021, Varna, Bulgaria 15.11.202107.10.2021 by ISG
VI International scientific-practical conference “INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE”, October 26-29, 2021, Haifa, Israel 15.11.202107.10.2021 by ISG