Methods of teaching young people, development of speech functions and general knowledge of the world

Recommended citation: Methods of teaching young people, development of speech functions and general knowledge of the world: collective monograph / Solomnikova K., Polovina O. – etc. – International Science Group. – Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2024. 157 р. Available at: DOI – 10.46299/ISG.2024.MONO.PED.3 URL: Download the monograph 1. OLYMPIC AND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS   1.1 ... Read more

Applied, technical and agricultural sciences: introduction of the latest technologies into use

Recommended citation: Applied, technical and agricultural sciences: introduction of the latest technologies into use: collective monograph / Lemeshev M., Bereziuk O., Sivak R. – etc. – Іnternational Science Group. – Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2024. 122 р. Available at : DOI – 10.46299/ISG.2024.MONO.TECH.3 URL: Download the monograph 1. AGRONOMY   1.1 Ващенко Володимир, Шевченко ... Read more


Recommended citation: Шумілова К., Шумілов Д. Технологічні ризики при маневруванні морського судна в рейсовому циклі. Monograph. – Primedia eLaunch, Boston, USA, 2024. – 203 p. URL: Download the monograph TABLE OF CONTENTS ПЕРЕЛІК СКОРОЧЕНЬ 9 ВСТУП 10 1. НАВІГАЦІЙНІ РИЗИКИ В РЕЙСОВОМУ ЦИКЛІ МОРСЬКОГО СУДНА 14 1.1. Аналіз причин і факторів виникнення та способів ... Read more


Recommended citation: Pronko L.,Furman I., Pidvalna O., Shpykuliak O., Bilokinna I., Kolesnyk T., Tokarchuk D., Berezyuk S., Lebedyev A., Zakharchenko V., Zabolotnyi H., Baldyniuk V., Revkova A., Okhota Y. Sustainable development of territorial communities in the Vinnytsia region. Monograph. – Primedia eLaunch, Boston, USA, 2024. – 145 p. URL: Download the monograph 1 Pronko ... Read more

The development of technical, agricultural and applied sciences as the main factor in improving life

Recommended quote for this post: The development of technical, agricultural and applied sciences as the main factor in improving life: collective monograph / Trembіtska O., Zhuravel S., Stoliar S., Bilotserkivska L. – etc. – International Science Group. – Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2024. 354 р. Available at : DOI – 10.46299/ISG.2024.MONO.TECH.2 URL: Download monograph ... Read more

Education, philology, literature: the main factors in the development of the outlook of a child and an adult

Recommended quote for this post: Education, philology, literature: the main factors in the development of the outlook of a child and an adult: collective monograph / Yatsenko L. – etc. –Іnternational Science Group. – Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2024. 380 р. Available at: DOI – 10.46299/ISG.2024.MONO.PED.2 URL: Download monograph Search the page.Enter a word ... Read more

Psychology, medicine and biology: the development of necessary technologies in the field of health care

Recommended quote for this post: Psychology, medicine and biology: the development of necessary technologies in the field of health care: collective monograph / Tashchuk V., Amelina T., Ivanchuk P., Al Salama M.V.O., Hinhuliak O. – etc. – Іnternational Science Group. – Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2024. 276 р. Available at : DOI – 10.46299/ISG.2024.MONO.MED.2 URL: ... Read more

History, philosophy and jurisprudence: review of constitutional law, criminal process and judicial system

Recommended quote for this post: History, philosophy and jurisprudence: review of constitutional law, criminal process and judicial system: collective monograph / Shchirskaya V. – etc. – International Science Group. – Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2024. 172 р. Available at : DOI – ISG.2024.MONO.LEGAL.2 URL: Download monograph Search the page.Enter a word or phrase to ... Read more

Budget, finance, economy and management: the latest trends in business and startup development

Recommended quote for this post: Budget, finance, economy and management: the latest trends in business and startup development: collective monograph / Andrushchak I. – etc. – Іnternational Science Group. – Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2024. 330 р. Available at : DOI – 10.46299/ISG.2024.MONO.ECON.2 URL: Download monograph Search the page.Enter a word or phrase to ... Read more

Підприємництво: сутність, особливості розвитку та державне регулювання в АПК

Recommended citation: Добровольська Е.В., Покотильська Н.В, Вольський В.А. Підприємництво: сутність, особливості розвитку та державне регулювання в АПК. Monograph. – Primedia eLaunch, Boston, USA, 2024. – 103 p. URL: Download the monograph TABLE OF CONTENTS ВСТУП 7 РОЗДІЛ 1. ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ ОСНОВИ РОЗВИТКУ АГРАРНОГО ПІДПРИЄМНИЦТВА 8 1.1. Підприємництво: сутність та особливості становлення 8 1.2. Державне регулювання ... Read more