
International scientific and practical conferences

For your convenience, international scientific and practical conferences are held weekly. The form of participation in the conference is part-time.

The conferences are open to practitioners, teachers, scientists, and students. The rules for participation in conferences of secondary school students are described in detail on the page Submission and execution of abstracts.

Collections of materials from past conferences are generated within a day after the end of the conference itself and are covered on the page Conference archive. At the same time, collections of  materials are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). (how to check the DOI)

Over time, most likely within a week, information about the publication is posted on the publisher's website - BookwireTM. BookwireTM is a US publisher and provides collections of materials from international scientific and practical conferences with an international ISBN number.

If you have any questions about indexing published works, you can find answers on the following page, Indexing. Please note that Google Scholar indexes works selectively and largely depends on the materials you provide and the personal settings of your Google Scholar profile.

For your convenience, we offer a set of possible options transfers of listing registration fees. It is possible to deposit funds online using mobile banking services, international banking systems and direct recalculation of bank details through cash services.

We invite scientists to join the editorial team.