Indexation monographs



International Science Group publishes monographs with their subsequent indexing in scientometric databases, namely: Google Scholar and Crossref, Crossref.

One of the main advantages of publishing a collective monograph is indexing in Crossref and OUCI. Each collection of international monographs is added to the Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI) search engine and database of scientific citations. OUCI database contains metadata of scientific publications, through it is very convenient to search for scientific literature and find citation links between scientific documents.

The results of scientific conferences are published on the website of the International Science Group and BookwireTM. The US publisher assigns an international ISBN to the book. When publishing your thesis, you can also rely on copyright protection if someone decides to use the results of your research without reference to the original source.

Indexing in OUCI and Crossref dramatically increases the popularity and accessibility of publications around the world. Publishing a monograph electronically opens up access to the material via Google Books. Posting an electronic monograph helps to increase the popularity of the author of the work and allows you to strengthen your credibility in the world of science.
Keep an eye out for future scientific monographs. Get published and receive personal certificates of participation from International Science Group. We look forward to working with you!