Ivan Katerynchuk

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Professor of the Department of Telecommunication and Information Systems of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.


Research profile (Orcid, Google Scholar, Scopus authors, other):

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8634-0916;

Scopus: https://www2.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57196004190;

W&S ResearcherID: https://publons.com/researcher/AAN-3706-2020/;

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=uk&user=F7GfXbUAAAAJ.



In 1981 graduated with honours from Zhytomyr Higher Military School of Air Defence Radio Electronics. Received the qualification of an engineer for the operation of radio equipment. Specialty; team, tactical.

In 1992 graduated with honours from the Military Academy of Air Defence named after G. K. Zhukov. Specialty - team, operational and tactical.

In 2005 completed his doctoral studies at Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

In 2009 took the management courses of the HUREMAS 2 project of the International Organization for Migration (information and analytical activities).


Defended dissertations:

In 1998 defended dissertation "Special mathematical and software information and analytical support solutions for the fire defeat of the enemy " (specialty 01.05.02 - mathematical modelling and computational methods) in the Specialized Academic Council of the National Centre for Defence Technology and Military Security and received the degree of candidate of Technical Sciences (supervisor -  Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor - Vladyslav Solonnikov).

In 2006 defended doctoral dissertation "Development of information and mathematical support of the control system as part of the technical equipment of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine" (specialty 20.02.14 - weapons and military equipment) in the Specialized Academic Council of the Bohdan Khmelnytsky National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and received a scientific degree of doctor of technical sciences (scientific consultant - doctor of technical sciences, professor - Vladyslav Solonnikov).


Academic titles:

Professor of Management Department (2007);

Associate Professor of Communication and Automated Control Systems (2000).


Honorary titles:

Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine (2009).

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology (2012).


Professional career

1981-1996 service in command and engineering positions in the Armed Forces.

1996-1910 scientific and pedagogical activity in positions from an instructor to the head of the department at Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

1910-1911 Deputy Head of the Research Institute of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

2011-2014 - Deputy Rector (Vice-Rector) of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine for educational and scientific work.

2014-2015 - Leading researcher of the scientific and organizational department of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

From 2015 to present - Professor of Telecommunications and Information Systems  Department of the National Academy of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.


Participation in research grants:

  1. Within the framework of Ukraine-NATO grant, the project "Prevention of Terrorism in the Sphere of Energy, Transport Complexes, Technogenic and Dangerous Military Facilities and the Population of Khmelnytskyi Region" was developed (2008).
  2. Scientific and technical work "Technology of scientific and methodological support for the commercialization of the results of scientific and technological activities" (2012).
  3. Scientific and technical work under the State program "Information and communication technologies in education and science for 2006-2010". Theme of work "Development of the intellectual automated system of control of knowledge of students’ knowledge in higher educational institutions " (2011).
  4. Grant of the European Agency for the Protection of the External Borders of the European Union Frontex № 2018/325 / ТРU in the framework of the call for proposals "Development of products and tools for training related to specific topics in the framework of integrated border management". The project "Research: the use of drones for border protection - tactics, guidelines, best practice" (2018).


Educational work.

Scientific and pedagogical experience is 24 years. During this period, performed training in the following disciplines: information systems, automated design systems, databases, modelling in scientific and technical research, systems modelling, research methodology, scientific management basics, intelligent data processing systems. 16 textbooks and monographs have been developed.


Patents and other documents:

  1. The method of determining the range of signalling devices of the break type. 11.08.2014;
  2. A method of preventing contamination of the front view camera. 11.08.2014;
  3. Software complex "Intellectual automated system of control of students’ knowledge in higher educational institutions". 16.03.2011


Scientific and research work.

More than 200 scientific works have been published, including 127 articles published in scientometric databases and in leading professional publications of Ukraine.


Publications that are included in Web of Science and Scopus

  1. Katerynchuk, I., Rachok, R., Mul D., Balendr, A., 2016. Modelling of Radio Waves Propagation and Creation of Radio Networks Using Geoinformation Systems. Proceedings of the XIII-th International Conference "Modeling of Radio Waves Propagation and Creation of Radio Networks Using Geoinformation Systems ", pp. 677-681. DOI: 1109/TCSET.2016.7452038. (Scopus).
  2. Katerynchuk, I., Borovyk, O., Rachok, R., Darmoroz, M., 2017. Defining rational approach to opto-electronic surveillance system towers placement. Advanced information and communication technologies : 2nd International Conf. 242-245. DOI:10.1109/AIACT.2017.8020110. (Scopus).
  3. Shynkaruk, O., Katerynchuk, I., Balytskyi, I., 2018. Definition of approaches to the assessment of tactical unmanned aerial vehicles effective use in the state border guard body. 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET). pp. 1255-1259 pp. DOI:1109/TCSET.2018.8336422. (Scopus).
  4. Katerynchuk, I., Strelbitsky, M., 2019. Model of information flows of the information system at the stage of modernization. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies". pp. 262-269. DOI: 1109/AIACT.2019.8847911. (Scopus).