Kvasnytska Raisa Stepanivna

Position: Professor of Khmelnytskyi National University

Scientific degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences

Academic title: Professor

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56607406600 ID: 56607406600

GoogleScholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=Fe3_JlMAAAAJ&hl=uk

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0443-9390

ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-9284-2018


- in 2005 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on specialty 08.06.01 – Economics, organization and management of enterprises on the topic «Management of the target capital structure of the enterprise»

- in 2014 she completed her doctoral studies at the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (Kyiv) with a degree on specialty 08.00.08 – Money, Finance and Credit

- in 2016 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences on specialty 08.00.08 – Money, Finance and Credit on the topic «Formation and use of investment potential of financial market institutions of Ukraine»

- in 2019 she was awarded the academic title of Professor at the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance of Khmelnytskyi National University



Professional activity

Since 1991 she has been working at Khmelnytskyi National University (from 2013 to the present - Professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance).


She has more than 400 scientific and educational-methodological publications, for example:

  1. Kvasnytska R., Dotsenko I. Investment climate of ukraine: trends and prospects. Theoretical and scientific approaches to the problems of modern economy: monograph / Polyvana L., Lutsenko O.A., Marenych T.H., Polyvana A. etc. – Іnternational Science Group. – Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2020. Pр. 164-172.
  2. Kvasnytska R.S., Tarasiuk M.V. Systematization of indicators for assessing the quality of investment potential of the enterprise: monograph «The Role of Science in Society Sustainable Development» // Edited by Oleksandr Nestorenko and Paweł Mikos. – Katowice: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej w Katowicach, 2020 – Pp. 123-130 (0.62 printed sheets, teacher's share 0.52 printed sheets)

3.Kvasnytska R.S. Аccounting of investor’s investment potential in the process of developing his investment strategy / R.S. Kvasnіtska, E. Mrozovsi // The Actual Problems of the World Today: collective monograph. – London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2019. – Рp.138-152

  1. 4. Kvasnytska R.S. Theoretical and methodical aspects of the competitive potential of the enterprise and the peculiarities of identification of the factors of influence on its level /S. Kvasnytska, I.O.Dotsenko, L.O. Matviichuk // Strategies for Economic Development: The experience of Poland and the prospects of Ukraine : Collective monograph. – Kielce, Poland: Izdevnieciba, «Baltija Publishing», 2018. – Vol. 2. – Рp.201-215.

URL: http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/7180

  1. 5. Kvasnytska R.S. Theoretical and methodological principles of the process of the acceptance management solutions on enterprises / S. Kvasnytska, K.L. Larionova// Modern Management: Logistics, Economy, Education, Administration: monograph. - Opole (Poland): Academy of Management and Administration, 2018. – Рp. 19-25.

URL: http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/7230

  1. 6. Kvasnytska R.S. Management of innovation restructuring of the enterprise / S. Kvasnytska, K.L. Larionova// Management of innovative development of economic entities: collective monograph / edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, I. Britchenko, in 2 Vol. / Higher School of Social and Economic. – Przeworsk : (Poland): Wydawnitctvo i Drukarnia NOVA SANDEC, 2018. –Vol. 2. – Рp.92-101.

URL: http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/7229

  1. 7. Kvasnytska R.S. The influence of non-performing loans on the banks’ equity capital / S. Kvasnіtska, A.V. Oliinyk // Transformational processes of development of economic systems in the conditions of globalization: scientific foundations, mechanisms, perspectives : collective monograph / edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, in 2 Vol. /ISMA University. – Riga: «Landmark SIA, 2018. – Vol. 2. – Рp.174-183.

URL: http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/6982

  1. 8. Kvasnytska R. Institutional investors as an integral element of the modern financial market / R. Kvasnіtska, H. Starostenko // Scientific development and achievements : collective monograph. – London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2018. – Рp.49-62

URL: http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/7170

  1. 9. Kvasnytska R.S. Criteria for optimizing the capital structure of an enterprise / R.S. Kvasnytska, H.H. Starostenko / Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of modern science: the experience of countries of Europe and prospects for Ukraine: monograph / edited by authors. – Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2018. – Pp.443-460

URL: http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/7215

  1. 10. Kvasnytska R.S. Theoretical generalization of the development of investment potential of industrial enterprises / R.S. Kvasnytska, V. Tarasiuk // Strategies of economic development: micro- and macroeconomic levels: collective monograph / Edited by O.L. Haltsova. – Zaporizhzhia : Publishing house «Helvetyka», 2017. – Pp.299-314.
  2. 11. Kvasnytska R.S. Investment potential of the enterprise: concept, features of formation and development  / R.S. Kvasnytska, M.V. Tarassuk // Actual problems of modern science : monograf  / edited by Masial J., Polishchuk O., Sorokatji R. – Bydgoszcz: University of Scitnce and Technology, 2017. – Pp.59-68.
  3. Kvasnytska R.S. Investment potential of financial market institutions of Ukraine : monograph / R.S. Kvasnytska. – Khmelnytskyi: PP «Monuskrypt», 2015. – 314 p.
  4. Kvasnytska R.S. Modern approaches to defining the essence and components of investment resources / R.S. Kvasnytska // Economic journal – ХХІ. – 2014. – №7-8(1’) – Pp.73-75. Indexed in: Scopus URL: http://soskin.info/userfiles/file/2014/7-8_2014/7-8_1/Kvasnitska.pdf
  5. Kvasnytska R.S. Assessment of financial security of the enterprise in the system of ensuring the implementation of its financial strategy / R.S. Kvasnytska, I.O. Dotsenko, L.O. Matviichuk // Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice. – 2019. – №3 (30). – Pp.95-102. Indexed in: Web of Science URL: fkd.org.ua/issue/view/10766
  6. Kvasnytska R.S. Practical aspects of forming the optimal capital structure of enterprises / R.S. Kvasnytska // Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice. – 2017. – Vol. 2. – № 23. – Pp. 140-147. Indexed in: Web of Science URL: fkd.org.ua/article/view/121462
  7. Kvasnytska R.S. Efficiency of financial market functioning: essence and classification / R.S. Kvasnytska // Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice. – 2013. – Vol. 2. – № 15. – Pp. 197-202. Indexed in: Web of Science URL: fkd.org.ua/article/view/25038/22497
  8. Kvasnytska R.S. Banking innovations: essence, factors of influence and evaluation of efficiency / R.S. Kvasnytska, D.I. Diachuk // The 6th International scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of the development of modern science” (February 12-14, 2020) Publishing House «ACCENT», Sofia, Bulgaria. 2020. – Рp.473-481.
  9. Kvasnytska R.S. Determinants and features of moral risk formation in the banking sector / R.S. Kvasnytska, O.V. Antoniuk // The 6th International scientific and practical conference «Scientific achievements of modern society» (February 5-7, 2020) Cognum Publishing House, Liverpool, United Kingdom. 2020. – Рp.733-738.
  10. Kvasnytska R. The Scale Measurement of the Main Indicators of Capitalization of the Insurance Market (on the Example of Ukraine) /S. Kvasnytska, R. Pukalo, N. Vnukova, S. Ochkasova // Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019), Atlantis Press. 2019. - Vol. 95. – Рp.103-107
  11. Kvasnytska R. Indicative Express-Estimation of Financial Security of Banking Activity /S. Kvasnytska, I.O. Dotsenko, L.O. Matviichuk // Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019), Atlantis Press. 2019. - Vol. 95. – Рp.308-313
  12. Kvasnytska R. International Ranking and Clustering Systems in Complex Evaluation of Demographic and Migration Processes / Kvasnitska, S. Nesterenko, D. Vasylkivskii, I. Lapshun // Modern Development Paths of Agricultural Production. Trends and Innovations. Springer, Cham. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2019, 814 р. Рp.493-507
  13. Kvasnytska R.S. Analysis of the main components of the development of the financial market of Ukraine in the system of assessing its competitiveness / R.S. Kvasnytska, H.H. Starostenko, N.V. Mirko // International scientific conference The Formation of a Modern Competitive Environ ment: Integration and Globalization, Part II, May 25, 2018. Greenwich, UK: Baltija Publishing. 160 p. – Рp.111-114
  14. Kvasnytska R.S. Problems aspects of investment machine-building industry of Ukraine / S. Kvasnitska, M.V. Tarassuk // Proceedings of XV International scientific conference «Millennium science». (Morrisville, February 15, 2018). – Morrisville, Lulu Press., 2018. – Рp.61-64.
  15. Kvasnytska R.S. The process of formation of investment strategy for bank / S. Kvasnitska, A.V. Oliinyk // Proceedings of XХІ International scientific conference «Practical applica-tions of research findings in Europe and worldwi de». Morrisville, Lulu Press., 2018. – Рp. 72-76.
  16. Kvasnytska R.S. Problems and prospects development of the banking system of Ukraine / S. Kvasnitska, A.V. Oliinyk // Eastern european studies: economics, education and law: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume II, June 7-8, 2018. Burgas: Publishing House FLAT Ltd-Burgas, 2018 – Pp.40-43.
  17. Kvasnytska R.S. Financial engineering as a tool for ensuring the development of the bank / R.S. Kvasnytska, H.H. Starostenko // Proceedings of XХVIІ International scientific conference ―New step in science // Morrisville, Lulu Press., 2018. – Pp.62-66
  18. Kvasnytska R.S. Financial support for the development of public utilities in Ukraine / R.S. Kvasnytska, I.V. Forkun // Imperatives of civil society development in promoting national competitiveness: Proceedings of the 1stInternational Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume I, December 13–14, 2018. Batumi, Georgia: Publishing House «Kalmosani», 2018. – Pp.129-132
  19. Kvasnytska R.S. Typology of institutions of the financial market / S. Kvasnytska // Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Scientific journal). – 2017. – №1-2. – Рp.145-155
  20. Kvasnytska R.S. Analysis of the resource component of the investment potential of non-state pension funds – institutional investors in the financial market of Ukraine / R.S. Kvasnytska // Scieintific Letters of Academic Society of Michal Baludansky. – 2016. – Issue – №3. – Pp.114-118
  21. Kvasnytska R.S. Methodological aspects of integrated evaluation of the efficiency of formation and use of investment potential of financial market institutions / R.S. Kvasnytska //International Scientific-Practical Conference From Baltic to Black Sea: National Models of Economic Systems: Conference Proceedings, March 25, 2016. - Riga: Baltia Publishing. – Pp.293-297
  22. Kvasnytskaya R.S. Express analysis of the investment potential of financial market institutions // Problems of forecasting and state regulation of socio-economic development: materials of the XVI International Scientific Conference (Minsk, October 20-21, 2016). In 3 volumes / editorial board: A.V. Chernyakov [and others]. - Vol.3. - Minsk: Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 2016.– Pp.64-65
  23. Kvasnytska R.S. Some aspects of the formation of investment potential of the enterprise / R.S. Kvasnytska, M.V. Tarasiuk // Geopolitical processes in the world today: Collection of scientific articles. – «East West» Association For Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Vienna, Austria, 2016. – Рp.133-136
  24. Kvasnytska R.S. Conceptual bases of formation of organizational and financial models budgeting activity of the light industry enterprises in Ukraine/ R.S. Kvasnytska, S.A. Djereleyko // «The Sixth International Conference on Economic Sciences». Proceedings of the Conference (April 24, 2015). «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. – 2015. – Рp.143-149
  25. Kvasnytska R. Banks as corpopate investors of investment resourses formation // International Community of Economics and Society (USA). – – V.1. – I.3. – Pp.58-65

