On average, a collective monograph is published several times during the academic year. You are invited to take part in writing collective monographs on the relevant topic, publish your own monograph or the results of research by your team of authors. The monographs contain the following sections: Biological Sciences, Historical Sciences, Psychological Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Philosophical sciences and others.
The collective monograph will be published on the website of BookwireTM and the International Scientific Group and indexed in scientometric databases, namely: Crossref, DOI and OUCI.
The ISG team has also started publishing individual monographs, which will be posted on the relevant websites within 10 days from the date of their acceptance for publication. The publication of monographs is negotiated individually. Examples of published individual monographs can be viewed on the archive page.
Each monograph will have its own personal international ISBN number, obtained by us in the United States together with the United States publishing house BookwireTM and assigned a digital object identifier (DOI). All materials of the collective monograph are assigned a personal DOI.
All authors have the opportunity to read and download the monograph on our website.