Submissions not accepted from representatives of sanctioned countries, as well as materials prepared in the language of these countries.
Organizational fee
The amount of the registration fee is $10 for each submitted thesis (regardless of the number of authors or pages).
Requirements for abstracts:
- The participant can submit several abstracts;
- The maximum number of authors of one abstract is five;
- Volume of materials from two to ten pages;
- Text format: Microsoft Word (* .doc, * .docx);
- The language of the text is arbitrary: Ukrainian, English and all others;
- Page orientation is portrait only;
- Margins (top, bottom, left, right) 2 cm;
- Font: Times New Roman, size – 14;
- Line spacing –1pt, indentation – 0,75 cm.
- Font color – black.
- At the beginning of the abstracts in the upper left corner the name of the conference should be indicated (size 14, alignment with a left edge);
- Under the name of the conference the section to which your theses belong is specified. Example: Section – Pedagogical Sciences (size 14, lowercase letters, font – bold, font color – red, left-aligned). You can find more detailed information about the planned directions of the conference on the page of the planned conference;
- Title of the article (size 18, capital letters, font – bold, centered)
- Full name of the author (s) (size 16, lowercase letters, font – bold, right-aligned);
- academic degree, academic title, position (alignment with a right edge);
- place of work (study) in the nominative case (alignment with a right edge);
- e-mail of the author (s) of theses;
15. After the line – the main text of the article (size 14, line spacing –1pt, indentation – 0.75 cm, alignment justified);
16. List of references - is drawn up at the end of the thesis in the order of use of sources in the text under the title “References”. The list of references cannot contain references to works published in sanctioned countries.
Follow the link to download a sample abstract template
Submission of abstracts
Files of abstracts and a receipt of the organizational contribution are sent by one letter to the e-mail:
- The subject of the letter – the name of the conference.
- Name the files as an example: Theses_Petrov; Orhvnesok_Petrov.
- After sending the materials to our e-mail, expect confirmation of their receipt and your inclusion in the list of conference participants.
- The registration fee for participation in the conference is indicated on the page of the conference and in the information letter of the conference.
- Relevant certificates and a collection of materials can be viewed on the first day of the conference, they are available for download on the website – .You can also download certificate sample (sample certificate).
- Sent emails that do not contain the relevant files may be left unattended.
Dear colleagues!
The authors are provided with a collection of conference materials and relevant certificates exclusively in electronic form.
Dear conference participants, please note that emails sent to you from the editorial office may come in spam folder.