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1 Tobacco product use among middle and high school students — United States, 2020(Article)(Open Access) Summary What is already known? Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States; nearly all tobacco use begins during youth and young adulthood. What is added by this report? In 2020, 23.6% (3.65 million) of high school and 6.7% (800,000) of middle school students reported current (past 30-day) use of any tobacco product. From 2019 to 2020, decreases among high school and middle school students occurred in current use of any tobacco product, combustible tobacco products, multiple tobacco products, e-cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco. What are the implications for public health? The comprehensive and sustained implementation of evidence-based tobacco control strategies, combined with tobacco product regulation by the Food and Drug Administration, is warranted to help sustain this progress and prevent and reduce all forms of tobacco product use among U.S. youths. © 2020 Department of Health and Human Services. All rights reserved. Gentzke, A. S., Wang, T. W., Jamal, A., Park-Lee, E., Ren, C., Cullen, K. A., & Neff, L. (2021). Tobacco product use among middle and high school students — united states, 2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(50), 1881-1888. doi:10.15585/MMWR.MM6950A1
74 Experiences of breastfeeding during COVID-19: Lessons for future practical and emotional support(Article)(Open Access) The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown and social distancing led to changes to breastfeeding support available to women in the United Kingdom. Face-to-face professional support was reduced, and face-to-face peer support was cancelled. Anecdotal media accounts highlighted practices separating some mothers and babies in hospitals, alongside inaccurate stories of the safety of breastfeeding circulating. Meanwhile, new families were confined to their homes, separated from families and support networks. Given that we know breastfeeding is best supported by practices that keep mother and baby together, high-quality professional and peer-to-peer support, and positive maternal well-being, it is important to understand the impact of the pandemic upon the ability to breastfeed. To explore this, we conducted an online survey with 1219 breastfeeding mothers in the United Kingdom with a baby 0–12 months old to understand the impact of the pandemic upon breastfeeding duration, experiences and support. The results highlighted two very different experiences: 41.8% of mothers felt that breastfeeding was protected due to lockdown, but 27.0% of mothers struggled to get support and had numerous barriers stemming from lockdown with some stopped breastfeeding before they were ready. Mothers with a lower education, with more challenging living circumstances and from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds were more likely to find the impact of lockdown challenging and stop breastfeeding. The findings are vital in understanding how we now support those women who may be grieving their loss of breastfeeding and are affected by their negative experiences and how we can learn from those with a positive experience to make sure all breastfeeding women are better supported if similar future events arise. © 2020 The Authors. Maternal & Child Nutrition published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Brown, A., & Shenker, N. (2021). Experiences of breastfeeding during COVID-19: Lessons for future practical and emotional support. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 17(1) doi:10.1111/mcn.13088

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