Yavorska Oksana Grugorivna

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business,

Faculty of cultural and creative industries

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.

Research profile (Orcid, Google Scholar, Web of Science)

ORCID – https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4499-6853


In 1996, I graduated from Ukrainian State Pedagogical University (Kyiv) - specialist diploma “Teacher of geography and biology”.

Dissertation protected:

In 2002 she defended her Ph.D. thesis "Adventive fraction of the synanthropic flora of the Kiev urban agglomeration" (specialty - 03.00.05 - botany) in the Specialized Academic Council of the Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after M.G. Kholodny and received the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences (supervisor Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sergey Leonidovich Mosyakin).

In 2020 she defended her doctoral dissertation “Theoretical and methodological foundations for managing the intellectual capital of tourism infrastructure enterprises” (specialty - 08.00.04 - economics and enterprise management (by type of economic activity).

In 2020 she defended her doctoral thesis "Theoretical and methodological foundations of managing the intellectual capital of tourism infrastructure enterprises" (specialty - 08.00.04 - economics and enterprise management (by type of economic activity) at the Specialized Academic Council of the Lviv Trade and Economic University and received a doctorate degree in Economics (supervisor Doctor of Economics, Professor Victoria Gennadievna Margasova).

Academic titles:

Associate Professor at the Department of Tourism and Physical Education (2019).

Professional career:

1996-1999 studied at the graduate school of the Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after M.G. Kholodny (at a distance from production) in the specialty "botany - 03.00.05", Kiev.

1999-2011 scientific activity in the positions of junior researcher and researcher at the Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after M.G. Cold, Kiev.

2012-2021 scientific and pedagogical activity in positions from senior lecturer to associate professor of the Department of Tourism of Significant Disciplines of the Kiev National Linguistic University.

From 2021 to the present, scientific and pedagogical activity as a professor at the Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business of the Kiev National University of Technology and Design.

Educational and methodical work:

Scientific and pedagogical experience - 12 years. During the reporting period, she performed a teaching load in the following disciplines: tour operating, recreation, e-commerce, business fundamentals, ecology, regional tourism markets, tourist and local history workshop.

4 monographs have been developed.

Research work:

More than 120 scientific and methodological works have been published, including 56 articles published in scientific and metric databases and leading professional publications in Ukraine.

Publications included on the Web of Science and Scopus.

  1. Lavrenchuk G.Y., Shevchenko Y.B., Petranovskaya A.L., Asmolkova V.S., Velvet V.M., Kozlovskaya I.V., Yavorskaya O.G. Influence of nanosized magnetically sensitive composites containing gadolinium-157 on morpho-functional properties of cells in vitro. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. 2014. Vip. 19. C. 419–430. (Web of Science)

Two articles are submitted to journals included in the Scopus scientific database.
