Belei Svitlana

In 1997 she was graduated with honors from Chernivtsi State University named after Yuri Fedkovych with a degree in "business economics", qualification "economist".

Ph.D. (Economics), specialty: 08.00.04 "Economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity)", the topic dissertation: "Ways of revival of agriculture of foothill and mountain zones of the Carpathians".

 On January 20, 2011 she was awarded the academic title of associate professor.

Associate Professor of Accounting and Taxation, Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.

The experience of scientific and pedagogical work is 23 years

Research interests:

- study of theoretical and methodological principles of rural development, taking into account the institutional features of the Ukrainian economy;

- Editor-in-Chief of the electronic scientific journal "Economic Research Review";

- Member of the editorial board of the journal: Journal of Economics and Management Sciences. URL:;

- Member of the Federation of Auditors, Accountants and Financiers of the AIC of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kyiv);

- Member of the Public Scientific Organization "International Center for the Development of Science and Technology" from "08" April 2020, based on the Decision of the Board of the Public Scientific Organization "International Center for the Development of Science and Technology" № 73 from "08" April 2020

International scientific internship:

From "24" July 2016 to "02" August 2016, international research internship "Sustainable Development 2020", organized by the Polish Foundation ADD (Warsaw, Poland) in conjunction with the Institute of International Academic and Scientific Cooperation (Lviv, Ukraine) Bahia Domitia, Italy.

From "28" September 2020 to "06" November 2020, international research internship at the institution of higher education - Higher School of Information Systems Management (ISMA, Riga, Latvia).

Certification training:

Interdisciplinary Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Specialists of the Higher Educational Institution Ukoopspilka "Poltava University of Economics and Trade" from 20.01.2020 to 28.02.2020 Topic: "Innovative methods of teaching in higher education: the latest in European and world practice" certificate number: PC 01597997 \ 00503 - 2020 dated February 28, 2020.

 Cooperation with scientific institutions, joint scientific events, invitations of foreign scientists: participation in the international seminar from 01.09.2016. on 04.09.2016, in Vatra Dornei, Romania "Opportunities for sustainable development of the Euroregion" Upper Prut ". Based on the bilateral scientific agreement" ROUA 2014-2017 "between the Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Romanian Academy and the Institute of Regional Studies M. Dolishnʹoho. The topic of the report: “The influence of the Ukrainian-Romanian cross-border cooperation of the Euro-region “Upper Prut” on the development of rural areas in the context of integration processes“.

Teaches courses: history of economics and economic thought, international economics, global economics, methods of teaching professional disciplines, marketing.

Publications: author of more than 100 scientific papers, co-author of textbooks on economic theory, global economics and economics of agricultural production.

Major publications for the last 5 years:

  1. 1. Belei, S.I., Zibareva, O.V., Prospects for rural development in the context of Ukrainian-Romanian cross-border cooperation in the Upper Prut Euroregion. Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. Collection of scientific works. Issue 6 (116). Lviv: SI "Institute of Regional Studies named after MI Dolny National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ". 2015. pp.31-37. URL:
  2. Belei S.I. Conceptual bases of development of reproductive potential of territories. Organizational and economic mechanism of development of reproductive potential of Ukraine: national and regional aspects: collective monograph. For the general ed. AM Humeniuk. Chernivtsi: Technodruk, 2016. P. 11-34. URL:
  3. Belei S.I. Problematic aspects of the study of the content of the definition of "rural area". Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Series: "Economics and Management". Collection of scientific works. Issue №17. Odessa. 2016. p.8-13. URL:
  4. Belei S. I. Ivanyuk TI Features of the organization of accounting settlements with suppliers and contractors as a tool to control the solvency of the enterprise. International scientific journal "Internauka". 2018. №19. URL:
  5. Zibareva O.V., Belei S.I., Luchik O.I. Reproductive potential of rural areas of Chernivtsi region in terms of cross-border cooperation: asymmetries of development and ways to overcome them. Actual problems of innovative economy. 2019. №3. URL:
  6. 6. Belei, S. Euro-regional cooperation as a factor for the development of rural areas: problems and dangers. The Scientific Journal of Cahul State University «Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu» Economic and Engineering Studies. №. 1 (5), 2019. pp. 4-11. URL:
  7. Belei S.I. Theoretical approaches to the essence of the concept "mechanism of rural development". Science and Education a New Dimension. Humanities and Social Sciences. VII (35), I .: 213, 2019. p.11-15. Dec. URL:
  8. Belei, S. (2019). Socio-economic content of definition “development of rural territories” and its relationship with the development of rural economy. Knowledge International Journal, 32 (1), 39 - 45. URL:
  9. Belei S.I., Penteleychuk D.T. Fundraising as an innovative approach to the implementation of rural development projects in a decentralized environment. International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences". 2019. №11. Pp. 119-125. (0.8 ed.). URL:
  10. Belei S.I., Luzhinsky V.O. Rural areas are centers of economic activity of Euroregional cooperation in the system of guaranteeing economic security. International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences". 2020. №1. Pp. 53-60. URL:
  11. Belei, S. (2020). Rural community as a subject of local government. Economy, finance, law: current problems and development prospects: collective mоnоgraph. Anisiia Tomanek OSVČ.  2020.  p. 100-109
  12. Belei S.I. Development of rural areas in the conditions of decentralization. Efficient economy. 2021. № 1. URL:
  13. 13. Belei S.I. Fundraising activity is an innovative tool for forming the financial and economic potential of rural development in the context of decentralization. International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences". 2021. №1. URL:

Articles in publications included in the scientometric databases Web of Science and Scopus:

Petrunenko, IV, Belei, SI, Petchenko, MV, Kovalenko, NV, Bodnar, OA, Maslak, NG (2020). Organizational and financial principles for the development of Euroregions. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 8 (3), 150-160. URL:  (Scopus)