Dovgal Olena

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In 1981 graduated from Kharkiv State University named after O. M. Gorky, specialty Political Economy. Received the qualification of economist and teacher of political economy.

In 1986-1990 studied at the graduate school of Kharkiv State University named after OM Gorky.

In 1993 studied for a program "Internship and Fellowships for Administrator and Faculty" at Otto von Guericke University (Magdeburg, Germany).

In 1994-1995 studied for a master's program "Applied Economics" at the Institute for Advanced Studies (Vienna, Austria).

In 1997 she did an internship at the Kennan Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center (Washington, USA).

Defended dissertations:

In 1990 defended dissertation "Non-productive sphere and labor economy" (specialty 08.00.01 - political economy) in the specialized academic council of Kharkiv State University named after O. M. Gorky and received the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences (supervisor - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Fedchenko Petro Grigorovich).

In 2006 defended doctoral dissertation "Protectionism and liberalism in foreign trade in the process of economic globalization" (specialty 08.00.01 - economic theory) in the specialized scientific council of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and received a scientific degree of doctor of technical sciences (scientific consultant - Doctor of Economics, Professor Vorobyov Eugene Mikhailovich).

Academic titles:

Professor at the Department of Economic Theory (2007);

Associate Professor of Economic Theory (1994).

Professional career:

1981-1997 - Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Economy of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute;

1997-2010 - Associate Professor, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Theory of Kharkiv Humanitarian Institute "People's Ukrainian Academy";

Since 2010 - Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Honorary awards:

Honorary Badge of the Association of Non-State Educational Institutions of Ukraine "For the Development of Education" (2003);

Diploma of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine (2009);

Honorary badge "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" (2010).

Educational and methodical work:

Scientific and pedagogical experience is 40 years, during which she taught disciplines: political economy, economic theory, macroeconomics, international economics, world economy, international economic relations, innovation economics, global problems of today and others. Prepared 5 textbooks, more than 25 study guides, as well as 5 distance learning courses on the platforms Moodle and Google Class.

In 2001 she lectured as a visiting professor at the First School of Business and Administration (Warsaw, Poland).

In 2009 she lectured as a visiting professor at the University of Christianstadt (Christianstadt, Sweden).

Scientific research work.

More than 250 scientific works have been published, including 12 monographs. Under the scientific guidance 7 candidate dissertations were defended in the specialty 08.00.02 - world economy and international economic relations. Member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations D 64.051.01. at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, specialty 08.00.01 - economic theory and history of economic thought, deputy chairman of the specialized academic council for the defense of candidate's dissertations К 64.051.25. at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, specialty 08.00.02 - world economy and international economic relations. Guarantor of the educational and scientific program at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education for the training of doctors of philosophy in the specialty 292 "International Economic Relations" at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Publications that are included in Web of Science and Scopus:

  1. Dovgal, O., Goncharenko, N., Honcharenko, V., Shuba, T., Babenko, V. (2019) Leadership of China in the innovative development of the brics countries. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 10 (8), pp. 2305-2316. DOI: 14505/jarle.v10.8(46 (Scopus) URL:
  2. Dovgal, O., Goncharenko, N., Reshetnyak, O., Dovgal, G., Danko, N., Shuba, T. (2020). Sustainable Ecological Development of the Global Economic System: the Institutional Aspect. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Volume XI, Issue 3(43), Summer: 725-740. DOI: (Scopus) URL:
  3. Babenko, V., Rayevnyeva, O., Zherlitsyn, D., Dovgal O., Goncharenko, N., Miroshnichenko, T. (2020) Dynamics of forecasting the development of renewable energy technologies in Ukraine and Chile. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research. 2020; 31 (4). DOI: 10.22068/ijiepr.31.4.587 (Scopus) URL: