Breus Svitlana Vasylivna

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Smart Innovation, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.
Research profile (Orcid, Google Scholar, Scopus authors, other):




Web of Science Researcher ID:  P-3440-2017;


Google Scholar:

In 2000 graduated from Institute of Municipal Management and Business (Kyiv) with a degree in Business Economics, received a specialist diploma and qualified as an economist.

In 2004 graduated from graduate school from Institute of Municipal Management and Business (Kyiv).

Defended dissertations:
Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 21.04.01 – Economic security of state (2007).

Dissertation topic: «The increase of state economic security level on the basis of industry technological restructuring».




Doctor of Philosophy (Diploma of Doctor of Philosophy).

Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine Supplement to diploma (2008).


Doctor of Economics Sciences, specialty 08.00.03 – Economics and National Economy Management (2019).

Dissertation topic: «Scientific and methodological foundations of economic security management in the system of institutions of higher education of Ukraine».

Academic titles:
Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Accounting and Auditing (Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design) (2011).


Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration (Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design) (2021).

Professional career:
Experience of scientific and pedagogical work since 2000.
Research topics:
State budget topics in Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design:


1. Perspective model of economic provision of access of socially vulnerable segments of the population to quality higher education (state registration number 0113U000323) (2013-2014).




2. Carrying out of forecast-analytical researches of conformity of system of vocational education to prospects of social and economic development of Ukraine (number of the state registration 0113U000324) (2013-2014).



3. Development of the system of information and analytical support of the process of cost and income management in the implementation of accounting standards (state registration number 0115U002486) (2015-2016).


4. Economic security of higher education institutions: development of measures to minimize socio-economic losses in the face of external aggression (number of the state registration 0117U000603) (2017-2018).


5. Strategy of economic security of the system of higher education of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization (number of state registration 0117U000608) (2017-2019).



II. Initiative topics in Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design:



1. Investment and innovation component of financial and economic security at the national, regional and micro levels in the context of sustainable development (state registration number 0115U004302).




2. Improving the organizational and economic support of management decisions of economic entities in conditions of geopolitical challenges (state registration number 0118U000231).




III. Research topics in other organizations:


1. Modeling of economic behavior and development strategy of business entities (state registration number 0116U008360).




2. Methodology of socio-economic, informational and scientific-technical development of regions, industries, enterprises and their associations (state registration number 0116U006782).



3. Development of the concept of economic security in the context of globalization of the world economy (state registration number 0113U007516).

Copyright for the work:
1. Author’s certificate. Article "Using the experience of leading European countries to develop a market model: universities - the state - employers." Author Breus S.V. Date of application submission 24.06.2015, № 61705. Date of registration 21.08.2015, № 61374.



2. Author’s certificate. Section in the collective monograph "Economic and social aspects of effective development of higher education": «5.4 The experience of leading European countries in the context of the market model: higher education institutions – the state – employers». Author Breus S.V. Date of application submission 14.09.2015, № 62866. Date of registration 12.11.2015, № 62477.



3. Author’s certificate. Literary written work of scientific nature «Methodical approach to assessing the economic security of universities» № 73578, Author Breus S.V. Date of application submission 30.06.2017, № 74376. Date of registration 28.08.2017, № 73578.


4. Author’s certificate. Literary written work of scientific nature «Analytical support of the process of strategic management of costs and revenues of higher education institutions on the basis of a balanced scorecard». Authors Breus S.V., Khaustova Ye.B. Date of application submission 30.06.2017, № 74378. Date of registration 28.08.2017, № 73576.





5. Author’s certificate. Literary written work of scientific nature «Economic security of higher education institutions and a methodological approach to its evaluation». Author Breus S.V. Date of application submission 07.13.2018, № 82169. Date of registration 08.20.2018, № 81085.


6. Author’s certificate. Literary written work of scientific character "Methodical approach to risk assessment in the context of economic security management of the system of higher education institutions". Author Breus S.V. Date of application submission 10.09.2019, № 94395. Date of registration 25.10.2019, № 93416.



7. Author’s certificate. Literary written work of scientific nature «Forecasting the level of economic security of the system of higher education institutions in the context of its management». Author Breus S.V. Date of application submission 09.13.2019, № 94481. Date of registration 10.29.2019, № 93524.



8. Author's certificate. Literary written work of scientific nature «Research of challenges and threats in the context of economic security management of the system of higher education institutions». Author Breus S.V. Date of application submission 13.09.2019, № 94482. Date of registration 29.10.2019, № 93525.



9. Author's certificate. The thesis for Doctor of Economics degree «Scientific and methodological foundations of economic security management in the system of institutions of higher education of Ukraine. 08.00.03 – Economics and National Economy Management». Author Breus S.V. Date of application submission 11.11.2020, № 102543. Date of registration 08.12.2020, № 101080.



10. Author's certificate. Monograph "Management of economic security of the system of domestic higher education institutions". Author Breus S.V. Date of application submission 09.11.2021, № с202108107. Date of registration 16.11.2021, № 109518.

Scientific research work:
More than 400 scientific and methodical works have been published, including more than 300 of scientific nature, including articles in scient metric databases and in leading professional publications of Ukraine.



Active participation in the editorial and publishing activities of category «B» magazines. He is a member of the editorial board of the magazine «Management» (KNUTD).

Publications that are included in Web of Science and Scopus:
1. Бреус С. В. (2015). Проблеми та перспективи забезпечення економічної безпеки вітчизняних вищих навчальних закладів. Актуальні проблеми економіки. № 8 (170). С. 144-149. (Scopus)


2. Бреус С. В., Хаустова Є. Б. (2016). Використання збалансованої системи показників у діяльності вищих навчальних закладів. Актуальні проблеми економіки. № 9 (183). С. 109-116. (Scopus)


3. Breus S. V., Khaustova Y. В., Denysenko M. Р. (2017). Balanced scorecard: formation with perspective to ensure economic security of higher educational institutions. Науковий вісник Полісся. № 4 (12). Ч. 1. С. 104-109. (Web of Science)


4. Бреус С.В. (2018). Розроблення моделі оцінювання економічної безпеки закладів вищої освіти. Фінансово-кредитна діяльність: проблеми теорії та практики. Том 2, № 25. С. 176-182. (Web of Science)



5. Khaustova Ye., Breus S., Denysenko M., Zinchenko E., Tohochynskyi O. (2018). Quality improvement of higher education as a factor of intellectual capital development. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal. Volume 24, Issue 4. P. 1-7. (Scopus)


6. Kasych A. O., Breus S. V., Khaustova Ye. В. (2018). Economic security of institutions of higher education from the perspective of international competition. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. 2018. Volume 4. № 5. P. 1-9. (Web of Science)



7. Khaustova Y., Breus S., Nevmerzhytska, S., Tsalko, T., Kharchenko, T. (2019). Features of social entrepreneurship as a factor in the development of social innovation. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. Volume 22. Issue: 1S. P. 1-6. (Scopus)


8. Breus S., Bielialov T., Denysenko M., Zarichniak A., Al-Tmeizi A. (2019). Strategic management of deployment of innovation projects at the enterprise. Academy of Strategic Management Journal. Volume 18 (Special Issue 1). P. 1-5. (Scopus)


9. Breus S., Solokha D., Bieliakova O., Derii Z., Dielini M. (2020). Dielini M Entrepreneurship development model under conditions of business social responsibility. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal. Volume. 26 (3). P. 1-8. (Scopus)


10. Shamborovskyi G., Shelukhin M., Allayarov S., Khaustova Y., Breus S. (2020). Efficiency of functioning and development of exhibition activity in international entrepreneurship. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal. 26 (Special Issue 4). P. 1–7. (Scopus)


11. Grinko A., Havrylenko N., Kostash T., Plekan M., Breus S. (2020). Organization of a Strategic Management Accounting in an Innovative Economy. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal. 24 (5). P. 1–7. (Scopus)


12. Kuzmenko O., Kilderov D., Babych T., Breus S., Stoyanov P. (2021). Strategy of socially responsible enterprise personnel management. Academy of Strategic Management Journal. 20 (1). P. 1–7. (Scopus)


13. Radionova N., Breus S., Denysenko M., Khaustova Ye., Matiukh A. (2021). Criterial approach to analysis of the cost management system of business structures. Фінансово-кредитна діяльність: проблеми теорії і практики. № 1 (36). С. 190-202. (Web of Science)



14. Shamborovskyi G., Nehoda Y., Demidova N., Tarashchenko V., Breus S. (2021). Modeling Study on Risk Identification in the Process of Anti-Crisis Enterprise Management. J. Risk Financial Manag. Volume 14. Issue 2, 67. P. 1-14. (Web of Science)