Slavkova Olena Pavlovna

Research Profile (Orcid, Google Scholar, Scopus authors, others):
Google Scholar:

1. Sumy State University, in 1994, specialty - high voltage technology and electrification, qualification - engineer - electrophysicist.
2. Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel of the Ministry of Machinery of Ukraine, 1997, specialty - finance and credit, qualification - economist for financial work.
3. Sumy National Agrarian University, 2017
Specialty - specialist in accounting and taxation.

Theses defended:
1. Defense of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences
Topic: "Features of the development of the social infrastructure of the village in the context of reforming agricultural enterprises (based on the materials of the Sumy region)". Specialty 08.07.02 - Economics of Agriculture and Agro industrial Complex. (Scientific adviser Ph.D., prof. Mikhailov M.G)

2.Protection of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economics
Topic: "Institutional support for sustainable development of rural areas"
Specialty - 08.00.03 "Economics and management of the national economy" (Supervisor of the academician, doctor of economic sciences, professor Malik N.I.)

Academic titles:
By the decision of the attestation board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated April 28, 2004, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Audit.

By the decision of the attestation board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated February 25, 2016, he was awarded the academic title of Professor of the Department of Accounting.

Professional career:
1. 1995-1996 - Ecostyle LLC - accountant, bookkeeping
2. 1994-1995 - Helga LLC - accountant, bookkeeping
3. 1997 - up to now - Sumy National Agrarian University: software engineer, assistant, associate professor, professor, dean of the Faculty of Management, head of the department of accounting, deputy vice-rector for scientific, pedagogical and international activities, head of the department of public administration and administration. Organization of work of structural units. Teaching disciplines of economic direction. Participation in the development of programs for the development of rural areas (district, region, Ukraine). Development of international cooperation.
4. 2002-2003 - LLC "Finance-Audit-Privatization", auditor's assistant, audit of financial statements (employment under an employment contract).
5. 2015-2019 - Sumy Regional Public Organization "European Dimension" - Accountant, accounting (employment under an employment contract).
6. 2017-2018 - Public organization "Bureau of Legal Communications", accountant. Accounting (employment under an employment contract)
7. 2019-present - Public organization "Agroekspert" - founder, accountant, project activities, accounting.

2006 - Agricultural University of Warsaw (SGGW),
Republic of Poland, city of Warsaw - rural development
2007 - Pomeranian Counseling Center in Gdansk. Department in Stary Pole - Agricultural activities
2015 - Warsaw University of Agriculture (SGGW), Republic of Poland, Warsaw Organization of the accounting system in Poland and Ukraine

Participation in grants:
The organization that presented the grand Project name Functions in the project
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Sumy NAU, Sumy Successful grain agribusiness in a small area. Module 4. Economics and management of the grain business with diversification in the context of animal husbandry - project expert

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Sumy NAU Lviv Successful grain agribusiness in a small area. Module 5. Mechanization of agricultural production Development and testing of methods for independent assessment of the work of judges by public organizations - expert

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Development and testing of methods for independent evaluation of the work of judges by public organizations - keeping records

Polish National Commission for UNESCO scientific internship - study of the development of rural areas in Ukraine and Poland
Polish National Commission for UNESCO scientific internship - comparative characteristics of accounting for Ukraine and Poland
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Changing the court together - shaping the legal system of the future - keeping records

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Ensuring the work of the platform for legal communications between the public and the courts. - keeping records

Canadian Foundation for Local Initiatives (CFMI). Strengthening the empowerment of rural women through seminars and trainings - expert

Educational and methodical work.

Scientific and pedagogical experience is 20 years. During the reporting period, she carried out academic work in the following disciplines: agricultural policy, strategy for sustainable development of nature and society, project management
25 teaching aids and monographs have been developed.

Research work.

More than 200 scientific and methodological works have been published, including 105 articles published in scientifical databases and in the leading professional publications of Ukraine.

Publications that are included in the Web of Science and Scopus

1. Kvasha, S; Zhemoyda, O; Slavkova, O. Some references of the regional development of agriculture and rural population in Ukraine .. RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2007, VOL 3, BOOK 1, p.: 312-314. (WoS)

2. Slavkova O., Poliatykina L., Samoshkina I., Economic aspects of the development of insurance activity of small businesses. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. Volume 5 Number 4. Riga: Publishing House "Baltija Publishing", 2019, pp. 197-202 (WoS)