Submission and design

Submissions not accepted from representatives of sanctioned countries, as well as materials prepared in the language of these countries.

Requirements for the design of the monograph:

  1. The participant can submit several materials for inclusion in the monograph;
  2. The maximum number of authors in the submitted material is five;
  3. The minimum number of pages – ten;
  4. Text file: Microsoft Word (* .doc, * .docx);
  5. The language of the text is arbitrary: Ukrainian, English and all others;
  6. Page orientation is portrait only;
  7. Page – А4;
  8. Margins (top, bottom, left, right) : 2 cm;
  9. Structure - an arbitrary presentation of the material in the form of a coherent text of scientific research. The elements inherent in the article (introduction, analysis, etc.) are not formed.
  10. At the beginning of the work, in the upper-left corner, it is indicated:
    - title of the TNR monograph, size 11-14. Example, Title of the monograph-Management, finance, economics: modern problems and ways of their solutions (example);
    - the section to which your work belongs, you can find it on the page of the planned monograph. Example: Section-Upbringing and education (example)
  11. Under the section in the center of the page - the title of the work, bold font, TNR, size 14, in capital letters. Example: PEDAGOGY IN MODERN CONDITIONS EXAMPLE OF TABLE DESIGN
  12. Last name and first name of the author (s) work with superscript - author's affiliation: bold size 14, lowercase letters, (right-aligned). Example: Vladlenov Denys1, Ivanov Petro2; Sidorenko Viktor1
    Below is the place of affiliation, TNR font, size 11.
    1Department of Publishing Information Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University
    2Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University.
  13. The main text is typed in TNR font, size 14, paragraph-1.25 cm, interval 1.5.
  14. Design of the table: TNR font, size 11-14. The name above the table (Table 1. Name of the table), alignment with a right edge. The link to the table should be in the text before the table (text text text text table.1.)
  15. Design of the drawing: each drawing must be named and numbered. The text of your work should contain a link to the drawing, then the drawing itself is placed, and under it the inscription (for example): Figure 1. Name name name name
  16. References are formed in any style at the discretion of the author in the order of mentioning the source in the text. The monograph will form a general list of references for all work. All sources listed in the sections will be changed according to the general ones.

An example of design can be downloaded at

Submission of materials:

1. Materials are sent to e-mail Sign the file name with an example: Materials_Petrov.
2. After receiving your materials, we check them, edit (if necessary), agree with the author. After that we accept the registration fee, receipt of registration fee to sign according to the example: Charge_Petrov.
3. In the subject of the letter it is obligatory to indicate the name of the collective monograph.
4. Published collective monographs are placed on the site in free access, authors and all other users have the opportunity to download the relevant monographs on the page -